I've been promising you all a new website and more product info for a while now so I'm pleased to announce it is now all up and running after a busy lock down.!
is your new one stop wellness site where you can book in treatments, purchase natural products for delivery, hit me with your questions & learn more about what's new in the world of wellness on my blog.
I have added a few goodies for you to browse already, but I have plenty more recipes and I'll be adding lots of new products over the coming weeks so do keep your eye out for updates and of course, let me know if you have special requests. Products are made to order so nothing is impossible.
I am looking forward to reopening once again on 2nd December and my prices haven't changed so please do let me know if you need me. I will be working right up to Christmas (all being well) & hope I can relieve some of the stress you may have been carrying around with you lately. If your new to Jane's Aromatherapy, you can see details of all my mobile treatments on the website. New clients are always welcome.! So start your self-care journey today.
Remember, if you need advice, its free and all part of the service so do contact me via phone, email, WhatsApp, my Facebook page or Instagram with your queries. All my contact details are displayed on the site for you.
Thank you all so much as always for supporting my little business.